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University of Galway Student Life The home of The University of Galway themed weeks, student events and all the latest on extra curricular activities.
The Information Technology Building is home to the School of Computer Science and is a dedicated 4100 square metre building in mid-campus overlooking the River Corrib, equipped with computer suites for our students on taught programmes, dedicated research office space for our researchers, state-of-the-art equipment for electronics, networking and high performance computing, WiFi everywhere, and a coffee shop.
See room list is at the bottom of this page.

An Image of IT250.

An Image of IT125

An Image of IT250.
Directions and GPS:
The IT building is linked to the Arts/Science building via a ‘bridge’ over the fire road
that runs along the back of that building. You can reach it via the Chemistry corridor from the Concourse. If your class venue begins with IT, you should go to this building.
Location Coordinates:
53°16'47.7"N 9°03'31.2"W
Student Calendar:
What's Inside This Building?:
Rooms Social Catering Offices
PHD Offices
Post Doc Offices
MSC Offices
Research Offices
Porters Office
Video Conference Room
Head of Department Office
Secretary Office
General Office
4th Year Computer Lab
Software Engineer Lab
Cloud Café
Map of the building:
Ground Floor

First Floor

Second Floor

Fun Facts:
The IT building has an open computer suite called IT106. It is located on the ground floor of the building with 67 Computers that students can use for assignments and computer science projects.
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