University of Galway Student Life
students.universityofgalway.ie: The home of The University of Galway themed weeks, student events and all the latest on extra curricular activities.
Off-Campus Activities
Galway is a lively, thriving city, with much to see and do! While the list is not comprehensive, some of the links might be useful in finding different things to do off-campus.
Galway Bay FM gig guide - http://galwaybayfm.ie/gig-guide/
Monroe’s - http://www.monroes.ie/gig-listings/
An Púcán - http://anpucan.ie/music/
Galway Advertiser - http://www.advertiser.ie/galway/entertainment/music
Bands in Town - http://www.bandsintown.com/cities/galway-ireland
The Dáil Bar - http://www.thedailbar.com/
The Cellar Bar - http://www.thecellar.ie/cellarclub/
Roisin Dubh - http://www.roisindubh.net/listings/
Ireland’s Smallest Comedy Club - https://www.facebook.com/Irelandssmallestcomedyclub
Town Hall Theatre - https://tht.ie/
The Druid Theatre - http://www.druid.ie/whats-on#galway
Museums & Galleries
Galway City Museum - http://www.galwaycitymuseum.ie/
Galway Arts Centre - https://www.galwayartscentre.ie/ga
The Kenny Gallery - http://www.thekennygallery.ie/gallery/
The Galway Fisheries Watchtower Museum - http://www.galwaycivictrust.ie/index.php/projects/33-fishery-watchtower-museum
The Claddagh Ring Museum – located on Quay Street, Galway City.
IMC - https://www.imccinemas.ie/Film-Times/Galway/
Eye Cinema - http://www.eyecinema.ie/
Discover Ireland - http://www.discoverireland.ie/
Entertainment - http://entertainment.ie/
What’s on in Galway - http://www.whatsoningalway.com/
Galway Festivals - http://www.galwayfestivals.com/calendar
Galway Tourism - http://www.galwaytourism.ie/pgalway-gig-guide.html
Galway Events - http://www.galway.ie/en/events/
Event Brite - https://www.eventbrite.ie/d/ireland--galway/events/