University of Galway Student Life
students.universityofgalway.ie: The home of The University of Galway themed weeks, student events and all the latest on extra curricular activities.

February 11th - 14th
University staff are invired to all of the events, the Students Union events are raising money for The Galway Rape Cris Centre and Cancer Care West. The Societies are raising money for Claddagh Watch, Human Appeal Gaza, Simon & St Vincent de Paul. The purpose of the week is to raise money for charity and have fun. Check out the full line up here
Societies are planning 2 events that they would really appreciate your help with. The idea is that we will challenge the students to find out if they are cleverer than staff teams at the Table Quiz or faster than the Staff at The Fun Fair Battle Zone,

The Great Big RAG Table Quiz
Monday Feb 12th 4pm - 6pm
An Bialann
We are asking staff as individulas to purchase tickets for €10, Dont worry if you are comming on your own as we will be creating tables.
Just how clever is yout Unit?
We are asking units and disciplines to purchase a table and assign their 4 cleverest staff to bring home victory. As this is in aid of very worthy charities we are asking for a €100 donation for these tickets.
To purchase a table please email Riona at socsofficer@socs.universityofgalway.ie and she will give you the information on how to transfer the funds to societies. Or purchase here.
So be in with a chance for major bragging rights, and if the staff done win we can bask in the knowledge that we have very clever students, It's a win win.
There will be some great prizes. So get your tickets while they are still available.

Fun Fair Battle Zone
Wednesday Feb 14th 11am - 5pm
Bailey Allen Hall
For Battle Zone we are asking colleges, schools, disciplines or units to get involved. We are looking for Staff, that the students know and would love to take on in a game of Battle Zone. Each staff member will challenge students for 15 to 20 minutes. Each student who beats the staff member will be in a draw for a prize. There will be prize for the staff member who defeats the most students. Just how fast do you think you could be, and how much money are people willing to donate to see if you are up for the challenge. Note the distance of the cones from each other can be adjusted to suit your fitness level!
Funds will be raised by creating a fundraising pages, (the societies office will do this for you)
If a minimum of €200 is raised then the staff member is obliged to compete for the agreed 15 or 20 minutes. If over €50 is raised the staff member will only have to take part in one short game (less than 2 minutes). If the minimum is not reached, the funds will still go to societies charities and the staff member will not have to compete. If you want to get involved you can of course ask your friends and family to donate as well! If a staff member wishes to use thie opportunity for their own charity, that is acceptable, the charity must have an Irish Charity number. Funds raised automatically goes to the charities.
Note there are lots of fun events on for the Fun Fair including Crazy Golf, Lazer Quest, fun sports day let by the clubs, food trucks, live music, pop up charity shop and lots more so do come and visit for the fun and make some donations to the worthy charities..