University of Galway Student Life
students.universityofgalway.ie: The home of The University of Galway themed weeks, student events and all the latest on extra curricular activities.
Indoor events: No indoor events are allowed after 8pm. This includes cultural, sporting and community events Attendance is limited to 1000 people, or 50% of the venue’s capacity (whichever is lower).
Organised outdoor events: Attendance is limited to 5000 people, or 50% of the venue’s capacity (whichever is lower). This includes sporting events.
It is still very important that attendees register for in-person events for contact tracing purposes. Follow the instructions below for organising your in-person events.
WE WILL Confirm your room booking and the maximum number of people permitted. To see what room you would like go to this link here you will see the rooms in Aras na Mac Leinn and also listed under 'Areas' you will see the 'socs cinema' and 'Hub' availability. Access to the Bailey Allen Hall must be discussed with your SocsBox contact (see below). Note currently no other room on campus have been made available to societies. You may organise off campus events and trips subject to government guidelines (if you are planning a trip you must fill in this form asap to ensure we have sufficient insurance cover for trips this year)
You Must take attendance using Yourspace. We will create a Pod Booking Form for you that will allow your members to attend in pods of up to 6 people. You must monitor attendance and pods using forms available from the Socs Box.
WE WILL contact you to confirm all the information is correct and the event is going ahead.
YOU MUST: for in person events send an email to your mailing list with the details of your event, the registration form and health and safety guidelines. You must email your members about virtual events and provide the link before the event.
YOU MUST for in-person events ensure that all health and safety requirements are adhered to for your specific event and that at least one person who had completed the COVID Officer Training is in attendance.
YOU MUST Take attendance at the event, confirm on the attendance spreadsheet if people have attended, add in details of anyone who did not pre book if your venue has the capacity to take additional people.
FRIDAY & WEEKENDS: Will be allocated.
YOU MUST make a Covid-19 announcement at all in-person events and ask attendees
Is anyone here experiencing symptoms of Covid-19, such as fever above 38C, cough, shortness of breath, loss of or change in taste or smell, runny nose or sore throat?
Has anyone here tested positive for Covid-19 within the last 10 days?
Has anyone here been identified as a Close Contact of someone with Covid-19 or been otherwise advised to restrict their movements by a healthcare professional?
If any attendee answers yes to either of these questions, they cannot be permitted to stay at the event.
Take attendance and note where everyone is sitting for contract tracing
Please use the COVID Pod printed form or take details of the table they are sitting at on the spreadsheet associated with your registration form. Copies can be collected from the SocsBox or print this page
Do not exceed the permitted number
Make a safety announcement outlining he specific rules that members must comply with
Ensure everyone wears masks when moving around the room. (pods where masks are not required are pods made up of people who normally socialise)
That they stay in allocated seating
No congregating at the start of or end of the event.
People must be in pods of a max of 6 with 2 meters distancing between pods and as much ventilation as possible. NOTE if using one of the lecture halls you must get people to fill in a pod form, we will provide that in the initial email. In flat spaces pods must be allocated based on attendees choice (ie ideally people they normally socialise with) and if part of a regular event these pods must be maintained for the rest of the semester.
You must not exceed the permitted number of attendees
All attendees must wear masks if in a mixed vaccination group.
NEW: Events must end at 8pm.
Outdoor has less restrictions relating to social distancing and pods but masks should be worn
Note Societies are subject to government guidelines, as restrictions ease this will be reflected in how you can organise your events.
Serving food: Food can only be served indoors in Aras na Mac Leinn if everyone in attendance is vaccinated and this is checked. One person serves the food, sanitise hands wear gloves (provided by the socsbox) and hand portions to each person individually. No sharing you must have individual portions. For pizza the socsbox will provide plates (check out pizza deals, email sent to you subject 'pizza deals). The socsbox will also provide hot water containers, tea, sugar and cups with lids, one person serves the tea (order this when filling in the form)
Note food can only be server out doors or in Aras na Mac Leinn. The stretch tents outside the AM building and Engineering Building are open the same time as the adjoining buildings.
Live Music If you are singing or playing musical instruments there are additional necessary precautions. A group of musicians (up to 6) may form one pod as long as they can all wear masks, wood instruments and singers must maintain 2 meters distance from one another. (There are perspex screens available for wind instruments) If singing or playing wind instruments there must be adequate ventilation and a break must be taken after 50 minutes. If you are performing to an audience the musicians must maintain 2 meters from the audience and the audience must be in pods of 6 with 2 meters between the pods, (masks must be work unless in a safe regularly socialising pod) her can be no swapping of microphones, equipment or instruments without adequate sanitising.
GAMES where possible people should bring their own dice, consoles etc, no swapping of items unless thoroughly sanitised, hand sanitiser must be available on each table, masks must be work, boards must not be touched and must be left for 72 hours before being re used. Pods of max 6 with 2 meters distance. (ie chess players only handle one colour)
Health & Safety Summary
You need to have at least one COVID Officer at your event (has completed the training at this link
Social/entertainment events must end at 8pm.
Have your Society safety statement and Risk assessment for this type of event completed.
Take attendance at your event.
Read out the COVID Declaration and make a safety announcement at the start of your event. Anyone who says yes to the questions must immediately leave.
While restrictions of max 6 per pod 2m distance attendees must stay in their allocated seats or maintain the required distance.
Only the permitted number can attend.
Masks must be work unless seated in the pods, they may be removed it if the pod is a group who normally socialise.
If you are in breach of any of these rules you will be issued with a first warning by email, and will be required to speak to your designated socsbox person and undertake to remedy the infraction before you can hold a second event.
A second breach will result in a suspension of all in person events for the rest of the semester.
You can hold virtual events.
Attendee Pod information for contact tracing
Covid-19 Decleration:
In lieu of the Covid-19 declaration form regularly completed by attendees on YourSpace, we are asking committee members holding events to issue an oral Covid-19 Covid declaration at your event.
This declaration should be comprised of 3 questions, addressed to attendees:
1. Is anyone here experiencing symptoms of Covid-19, such as fever above 38C, cough, shortness of breath, loss of or change in taste or smell, runny nose or sore throat?
2. Has anyone here tested positive for Covid-19 within the last 10 days?
3. Has anyone here been identified as a Close Contact of someone with Covid-19 or been otherwise advised to restrict their movements by a healthcare professional?
If any attendee answers 'yes' to any of the above questions, they must be asked to leave the event.
What to do if an attendee tells you afterwards they think they may have COVID-19?
Nobody would be considered even a potential close contact until someone is an actual confirmed case of COVID-19, i.e. a positive result is returned on the person undergoing testing.
Even at that point, it is not the society's call or responsibility to determine who is a close contact or not, or who needs to be informed of this positive result. This is completely the responsibility and decision of the HSE contact tracing team.
The society should however keep the details of all people who shared the table and make the person undergoing the test aware that they have these details, so that they can be passed on to the HSE contact tracing service, should they require them.
Should the person ultimately test positive for COVID-19, and once HSE are involved, the society could consider issuing a general message to all attendees at the event to states that a single attendee did test positive and that HSE will be liaising directly with anyone determined to be a close contact of the case, but that if anyone who attended the event happens to develop symptoms in the coming days or weeks, that they should be vigilant in following current public health guidance, and self-isolate and arrange a COVID-19 test for themselves.