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Áras na gaeilge

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Áras na Gaeilge is an Irish speaking hub on campus. It provides students with the opportunity to develop their knowledge of the Irish language, its culture, literature, and community

See room list is at the bottom of this page.

Directions and GPS:

Áras na Gaeilge is located behind the nursing wing of our library.

Location Coordinates:
53°27'87.4"N 9°06'04.5"W

Student Calendar:

What's Inside This Building?:

Rooms    Social    Catering    Offices

An Téatar

Seomra 104

Seomra 105

Seomra 106

Seomra 112

Seomra 116

Seomra 119

Seomra 204

Seomra 210

Seomra 211

Seomra 214

Roinn na Gaeilge

Caife na Gaeilge

Map of the building:

Urlár na Talún


An Chéad Urlár


Fun Facts:

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Áras na Gaeilge is an all Irish speaking building on campus. Irish classes for students and the public are held hear all year round.

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