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Skills Week Monday October 19th - 23rd

Virtual event:  “COVID-19 Conversations” Thursday the 22nd October at 5pm via Zoom’s Outreach and Training Officer, Sinead chats about staying motivated and making friendships in an online world!  Come along for cups of tea and chats.  

Register for zoom link:


How to get the ALIVE Certificate for Volunteering?

Welcome along to the ALIVE Information session to learn about the Certificate and Volunteering projects.



For the Zoom link:

Societies for Skills Week

Societies are active virtually and offer numerous opportunities to learn new skills and meet new people to share your college journey with. From playing music & dancing,  to honing your skills at game playing, personal development, volunteering and activism opportunities, with over 120 societies there is so much to choose from. 


All the information is available on and you can join the societies in and participate in the ‘Societies Engagement Award’, this week’s YourSpace e-learning module is all about ‘Team Work’

Your society events will be in your personal calendar in YourSpace with links to attend. keep an eye on the student calendar on this page and for the weekly What's Happening Guide sign up here for upcoming events and if you would like to attend the event just join the society in YourSpace. 

Note the links below bring you to a page which will go live with the link 15 minutes before the start time, you may need to be a member of the society to join, you can do this in YourSpace.


There are many opportunities to join societies committees with lots of AGMs/EGMs this week and training is available for all committee positions via virtual training workshops and online modules, a great way to upskill and make friends and participate in the Society leadership Award. AGMs/EGMs on this week: Cumann De Barra (Fianna Fail), Law, Paediatric, Feminist, Time Lord, Amnesty, Cumann Staire (History), Biomed. Details on the Society Calendar here

Cheer up with Choreo
100 Miles with MedSoc
GUMS & Dramsoc Mini Musical

Society committee Training this week: Societies 101 Monday 19th 6pm - 7.30pm. Treasurer Training Tuesday 20th 11am -12.30pm, Secretary Training Wednesday 21st 5pm -6.30pm Info here Register here


Due to a technical glitch please check your spam in your nuigalway email address for emails from societies, once you remove them from your spam folder you will continue to receive them correctly.


The Societes Office (SocsBox) hosts a virtual help desk from 2pm -5pm & 6pm - 8pm Monday to Thursday at this link Pop in for all society related questions & support.


For full details on Societies & Skills week go to:


Virtual event: Medical Society

Title: 100 Miles with Medsoc

Description: 100 Miles with Medsoc this year is all about positive mental health! Covid has negatively impacted many young people's mental health and so we have decided to team up with Claddagh Watch Patrol and Jigsaw. Both charities do amazing work for young people! Claddagh Watch Patrol helps prevent accidental death and suicide on Galway Waterways while Jigsaw offers free, non- judgmental and confidential support services to young people. We hope to get as many people as possible out exercising, having fun and raising some money for these two incredible charities! 100 Miles with Medsoc is a great way to get involved in something that promotes positive mental health and to be part of a team!

Members run on their own and log their activity on facebook page. 

Date/Time: October 1st - October 31st

Link: Google Forms - Click Here

Virtual event: Cheerleading Society

Title: Cheer Up With Choreo!

Description: As part of skills week, we're running a dance contest!

  1. Watch this Dance Tutorial to learn the dance

  2. Record yourself giving it your best go (maybe recruit your housemates/family)

  3. Send us your video by Friday October 23rd

  4. Winner will be announced Monday October 26th

There's a €50 one4all voucher for the best submission

Date/Time: Friday october 16th - Friday October 23rd, 

Links: watch: Email

Virtual event: Believers Connect Society

Title: The Power of Decision

Description: We are a Christian society that brings together people from all walks of life, yet unified by the same word of God. Join us every Monday evening for a wonderful time of prayers, praise/worship, discussions and interactive sessions on life and faith, and also get to meet new people!

Date/Time: Monday, 19th October 2020 - 18:00-19:15

Link: Zoom - link 

Virtual event: Archaeology Society

Title: Have Trowel, Will Travel EP 2: The Rise and Fall of Mammals

Description: In tonight's episode of "Have Trowel, Will Travel", we're chatting with Professor Catherine Badgley, a vertebrate palaeontologist from Michigan. She's done a lot of study on the rodents of the American Southwest, and how a changing landscape affects the diversity of species. We even dip into how today's changing landscape is leading us to a mass extinction. A fascinating, and very topical, subject!

Date/Time: Monday, 19th October 2020 - 18:00-19:15

Link: Zoom - Link 

Virtual event: Rover Society

Title: Live cooking and Rope skills on discord

Description: Meet other Rover Scouts, develop personally and socially with the society that has the outdoors and adventure at its heart. This week develop cooking and rope skills!

Date/Time: Monday, 19th October 2020 - 19:00-21:00

Link: This Rover Soc event is on their Discord server. Join the society to view the link in your YourSpace calendar.

Virtual event: Time Lord Society

Title: Online Games Night

Description: Join the society of Dr. Who enthusiasts for an evening of online games. Their purpose is to have fun and share our love of this beloved TV show.

Date/Time: Monday, 19th October 2020 - 19:30-22:00

Link: This Time Lord event is on their Discord server. Join the society to view the link in your YourSpace calendar.

Virtual event: Law Society

Title: Skills with LawSoc: Careers Series

Description: As part of our commitment to keep our members up to date with careers opportunities (even through these strange times), we have began to produce a Careers Series to give some top tips to those who are applying for Training Contracts this year. 

This week, our Vice-Auditor, Patrick, spoke to Eimear Power from Arthur Cox who gave some tips on drafting your CV and Cover Letter, some details on the Application Process for the Arthur Cox Trainee Programme. 

Further episodes will be published here as they come available. 

Date/Time:Tuesday 20th October 11;00 - 17:00

Link: For access to this content, please CLICK HERE: 

Virtual event: Postgrad Society

Title: Coffee Meetup

Description: Join the society for postrgad research students from all disciplines & schools to get to know each other.  It's important to get away from the desk and find like-minded people.

Date/Time:Tuesday 20th October 13:00 - 14:00

Link: Zoom - Click Here

Virtual event: Fansci Society

Title: Wargames

Description: If you like Warhammer 40k, or Blood bowl or any Wargame for that matter head on to our discord to slaughter each other!! (for your own entertainment of course).

Date/Time: Tuesday 20th October 18:00 - 22:00

Title: Card Games

Description: Fansci  play weekly card games such as magic the gathering, Yu-Gi-Ho  and more. Improve your skills with the winners of Most Improved Society in NUI Galway 2020!

Date/Time: Wednesday 21st October 18:00 - 22:00

Title: Role Playing

Description: Join Fansci on their Discord Server where they play one-shots of various R.P.G.s, typically dungeons and dragons fifth edition.

Date/Time: Thursday 22th October 18:00 - 22:00

Link: Fansci events are on their Discord server, join the society to get the link in your YourSpace calendar.

Virtual event: Lit & Deb

Title: Debating Workshop

Description: Join us on Tuesday evenings for our weekly debating workshops! We will be teaching the basics of debating, public speaking skills, and both practicing and watching debates.  Workshops are suitable for both new and experienced speakers.  This semester we will be holding workshops online through Microsoft Teams.  A link to join will be available on YourSpace each week. We hope to see you there!

Date/Time: Tuesday 20th October 19:00 - 20:30

Link: MS Teams - Click Here

Virtual event: Trad Soc

Title: Tunes on Tuesday

Description: Tunes & craic with the NUI Galway Trad musicians, a great chance to learn a new tune or listen to some great music.

Date/Time: Tuesday 20th October 21:30 - 23:30

Link: Zoom - here

Virtual event: FLAC Society (Free legal Advice) 

Title: FLAC Volunteer Training

Description: We are holding our volunteer training for clinics. Attendance is mandatory if you would like to be a volunteer this year! You will work with practising solicitors or barristers to hold regular clinics where anyone in search of legal insight can access this from qualified legal professionals in a welcoming, confidential, free-of-charge setting.

Date/Time: Thursday 22th October 19:00 - 23:00

Link: - Zoom link here

Virtual event: People Before Profit Society

Title: Online Mobilisation

Description: We shall be holding a skills event detailing how Socialists can mobilise in the current situation! We believe that society does not have to be ordered around the gods of private profit and ‘market forces’. We believe that austerity is a choice, not a necessity. We believe that an ecologically sustainable future can be built, and the environment protected. We fight against all oppression and discrimination. We are about doing politics differently: building a consensus for change through grassroots mobilisations, people power and socialist politics.

Date/Time: Friday 23rd October 18:00 - 19:00

Link: Zoom - here

Virtual event: Musical Society (GUMS) & Dramsoc

Title: Mini Musical Submission

Description: Closing of submissions for mini musical collaboration. We will not be reviewing submissions without plans on how to stage and rehearse the show while complying with all of the current government guidelines. We recommend looking at shows with small casts that can be done socially distant or shows that can be livestreamed. Please email or if you have any questions!

Date/Time: Deadline Saturday 24rd October 18:00 - 19:00

Link: Google Forms - link here

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