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Students Project Fund_ What is it_ The S

Áras na Mac Léinn - down - €14.23

Copy of LEVY Know the Facts.png

Click on the images below to find out more about the levy recipients.


Societies + €5.72


Clubs + €5.72


Students' Union + €14.86


Projects Fund - down -  €14.69

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USCG Levy Meeting (1).jpg

On Thursday 22nd April you will be asked to vote in a referendum on whether or not you support the cancellation of the current Student Levy of €224 and approve its replacement with a new Student Levy of €140

The wording which will appear on the ballot, requiring a Yes / No answer, will be:

Do you agree with this motion:

“That with effect from 1st July, 2021 the members of NUI Galway Students’ Union approve the cancellation of the current Student Levy of €224 (adopted in 2006, updating a levy approved in 2003); and further approve its replacement with a new Student Levy of €140 (to be paid in that amount by full-time students and by part-time students on the Full-Time Equivalent basis) to create a Student Levy Fund with the total amount collected annually to be distributed on the basis of allocating 2.14% to Áras na Mac Léinn, 10% to CÉIM (to be paid to and administered by NUI Galway Students’ Union), 4.29% to Flirt FM, 17.86% to NUI Galway Clubs, 17.86% to NUI Galway Societies, 3.57% to the Projects Fund, 15.71% to the Student Health Unit, and 28.57% to NUI Galway Students’ Union; and also approve that the Student Levy of €140 adopted for the academic year 2021-2022 be increased thereafter in line with Consumer Price Index inflation.”

This referendum has been requested by 500 members of the Students’ Union in accordance with the Students’ Union Constitution, Article 16.

More information can be found on the Referendum on Student Levy FAQ’s HERE

Read our report on the NUI Galway Student Levy HERE

Read our report on the NUI Galway Sports Centre Levy HERE


CEIM (SU) + €10


Sports Centre -down- €100

Campus Radio + €1.08

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Student Health Unit + €3.55 

USCG Levy Meeting (2).jpg

The USCG represents the interest of Societies and comprises 9 students who have put together information about the changes proposed in the Levy so you have all the information to help you make an informed decision.

A series of information sessions have been held with societies, the societies present have mandated the USCG to launch a NO Campaign.

USCG/Societies Statement

"The elected student representatives to the USCG welcome a reduced student levy. However, while the increase in society funding may seem like a positive, the proposed cut to the Áras na Mac Léinn fund is worrying. The building is the home of societies/students and this will force all student services that are located there to seek additional external funding to ensure the availability and maintenance of key resources/spaces for societies & students.


The alternative source for this funding is likely to be more corporate events held in Áras na Mac Léinn which actively takes power from the student’s hands. This will move the financial burden back onto students, not remove it. The long-term effect on sporting clubs should also be considered.


We implore students to consider the impacts these proposed changes will have on all aspects of student life prior to voting.”

Make an informed decision: To understand what is proposed please see what all the areas currently funded by the levy provide, click on the images below and read all the info.


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