University of Galway Student Life
students.universityofgalway.ie: The home of The University of Galway themed weeks, student events and all the latest on extra curricular activities.

Societies Fun Fest
Áras na Mac Léinn, 5-8pm
Pre-Game your Soc’s Day with a taste of what societies have to offer. Join us in Áras na Mac Léinn from 5-8pm for FREE food, prizes, games, Society stalls, music, makeovers, competitions and more! View our list of events and see what our societies have to offer you! Stop in and get a taste of what campus life is like after hours!
Glow Dodge-Ball
Kingfisher: 2pm - 4pm
Call down to the Kingfisher Sports Centre and join the Sports Club team for some Glow in the Dark Dodge ball, yes it will be in the dark, but don't worry the balls will glow! It's in the Kingfisher Sports Centre where you will not only find the Sports Clubs main office there is also a climbing wall, a gym, a swimming pool as well as other facilities, why not ask for a tour at the front desk while you're there!
Drop In, Have a go
The Kingfisher Sports Hall: 4pm - 6pm
Drop in to the Kingfisher Club from 4 to 6pm for some five a side basketball, soccer, frisbee and more. Take a tour of the facilities and sign up for a membership. Avoid the freshman 15 with student rates, includes all classes and access to the weight room and pool area.
Amnesty Soc Tea, Cake and Privilege
The Space, Áras na Mac Léinn: 5-8pm
The Amnesty Society is affiliated with Amnesty International and work to end 'human wrongs' in the world. Amnesty Soc won the Phoenix award at the Societies Ball in March 2017. They will be hosting a chat on Privilege with tea and cake from 5-8pm in The Space in Áras na Mac Léinn. Stop by for a night of goodies to eat and good information.
Drama Society Meet and Greet
Meeting Rooms, Áras na Mac Léinn, 5-8pm
To be or not to be... a member of DramSoc? To be obviously! Dramsoc is full of talented and friendly people from all studies and will be in the Meeting rooms in Áras na Mac Léinn from 5-8pm to meet and greet you all! Be part of a winning team, DramSoc won the Best Intervarsity award at the Board of Irish College Societies (BICS) awards in April of this year! Everyone is welcome, no auditions required!

MedSoc Operation
Outside Áras na Mac Léinn, 5-8pm
Come play Operation with MedSoc. Beat the buzzer and see if you have a surgeon's skill! MedSoc is an inclusive society for members of medicine and nursing or any other discipline! MedSoc were the recipients of the 'Ireland's Best Society' Award at the Board of Irish College Societies awards ceremony in April. They will be on campus meeting and greeting and entertaining new students with their Operation abilities. Stop by and say hi from 5 to 8pm.
Choral Society Karaoke!
The Cube, 5:30-7pm
Pour out your achy breaky heart or sing it loud and proud that girls just want to have fun. Whatever your vocal chords desire, join Choral Soc in the Cube for Karaoke from 5:30-7. Choral Soc put on concerts throughout the year and compete in competitions across Ireland. The Alumni choir won an award in the Cork International Music Festival just this past May! Call into the Karaoke party, have a laugh and make new friends, it’s all about the song and banter here!
Literary & Debating Society Comedy Debate
The View, 6-8pm
The Literary and Debating Society is one of the oldest societies on campus. The Lit and Deb society compete in international competitions and in addition to hosting table quizzes and nights out, each week host debating workshops and weekly debates. They also host an intervarsity competition every year in February as well as a debating conference for secondary school students. This comedy debate is a light-hearted evening of laughs getting everyone involved, everyone is welcome, no experience required!
Astronomy Soc Chill Out and Logan Film Screening
Large Acoustic Room, 6-9:30pm
Take a break from the week with the Astronomy Society. Join them for a chill night, hanging out and watching Logan; the most recent installment of the X-men series, starring Hugh Jackman! They will be kicking off their chill session in the Large Acoustics room in Áras na Mac Léinn at 6pm.
Big Fáilte Party
Áras na Mac Léinn & Sult: 8pm-12am
Join us at The Big Fáilte Party a multi venue event from 8pm to 12am! Roisin Dubh Silent Disco in Áras na Mac Léinn, DJs, live music and more! The band Club Candy will be performing in Sult and there will be a dance off hosted by DanceSoc and Cheer Soc in Áras na Mac Léinn, you might be this years winners, a games room with refreshments, FREE pizza from Apache Pizza and FREE nightclub entry into Electric!
Collect your wristband for entry to Sult and Electric (over 18's only) If you are under 18 join us for the silent disco, games room and free pizza. (bring a refundable €20 to get your silent disco headphones)
All are welcome! Please note; Over 18s for Sult and Nightclub only; ID required.
***€20 refundable deposit for Silent Disco headphones