University of Galway Student Life
students.universityofgalway.ie: The home of The University of Galway themed weeks, student events and all the latest on extra curricular activities.

ALIVE Campus Tours
From Áras na Mac Léinn: 2pm & 3pm
Want to explore NUI Galway with experienced guides? Let ALIVE bring you on a tour to help you find your way around campus. ALIVE is the home of NUIG's Student Volunteer Network and there are a huge range of fun activities to get involved with. Check out studentvolunteer.ie to see what opportunities are currently available. Volunteer over 20 hours by the end of the academic year and you will be awarded the NUI Galway Presidential Award for Volunteering honouring your achievement!
Anime and Manga Meet and Greet
Áras na Mac Léinn Foyer, 1-4pm
Meet the gang from the Anime and Manga Society! The Society is made up of a group of individuals working to create a place where people can enjoy Anime and Manga and also make lifelong friendships. Come join part of their family and share in the Anime and Manga experience!
French Society Meet and Treat
Áras na Mac Léinn Foyer, 1-5pm
The NUIG French Society will be providing treats from 1-4pm in the foyer of Áras na Mac Léinn. Meet the society and learn all about their conversation nights, the film nights and table quizzes and all of their other great events they host throughout the year!
Med Soc Meet and Greet
Áras na Mac Léinn Foyer, 1-5pm
Check out the Med Soc information stand and enter their 'Count the Sweets' competition; guess how many sweets are in the jar and if you're correct, you can win your sweet fix for the week! If you're not the lucky winner, still come check out the sweet Med Soc crew; they're easy on the eyes and easy to talk to! Let them know if you have any questions and they'll be happy to chat!
Music Soc Acts
Outside Áras na Mac Léinn: 1pm-4pm
Experience all that the Music Society has to offer! Members will be providing the entertainment for the afternoon with a variety of performances by singers and musicians. Music Soc also stage weekly Open Mic nights throughout the year in Sult, right next to Áras na Mac Léinn and all are welcome.
GiGSoc Canvas Handpainting
Outside Áras na Mac Léinn: 1pm - 5pm
Add a dash of colour and make your mark with GiGSoc! NUI Galway's LGBTQA+ society, GiGSoc promotes a forum where Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Ally students & staff can meet in a comfortable and supportive environment. If you're interested in getting involved, don't be shy, everyone is welcome!
Glow in the Dark Dodgeball
Kingfisher Club NUIG, 2-4pm
Call down to the Kingfisher Sports Centre and join the Sports Club team for some Glow in the Dark Dodge ball, yes it will be in the dark, but don't worry the balls will glow! It's in the Kingfisher Sports Centre where you will not only find the Sports Clubs main office there is also a climbing wall, a gym, a swimming pool and lots more!
Drop In, Have a Go
Kingfisher Sports Hall: 4pm - 6pm
After Dodge Ball, why not stick around for some five a side basketball, soccer, frisbee and other sports on at the Kingfisher Club from 4-6pm. While you're there, take a tour of the facilities and/ or sign up for a membership. Avoid the freshman 15 with student rates. Membership includes classes, access to the weight room and pool area and more.
5pm and 9pm, The View
Kicking off a night of film, we will be showing Sing Street followed by The Young Offenders. Sing Street follows a young Dubliner as he attempts to steal the heart of a girl through music. The classic boy meets girl tale is told with charm and quite a few laughs along the way! The Young Offenders is about two Cork boys on a journey through hoodlumdom; the antics they get up to are sure to crack a smile and cause a stitch in your side! Come check out both of these films in The View in Áras na Mac Léinn, at 5pm and 9pm.
Céilí with TradSoc and Dansoc
The Cube, Áras na Mac Léinn: 6pm - 8pm
Join in the Craic and dance away with TradSoc and Dansoc! Meet both societies and learn about their numerous events being held throughout the year ahead. Irish set dancing with refreshments -tea and bickies- provided. Whether you've been a dancer all your life or were born with two left feet, everyone is welcome and it is sure to be an event not to be missed!
Dramsoc's Summer Play: Autobahn
The Bank of Ireland Theatre: 8pm
Directed by Shane Gaffney and Robbie Walsh, Neil LaBute's Autobahn is Dramsoc's first production of the semester. This one-night revival showcases the Summer Play for Orienation Week and tickets are €5 for students and €8 for non-students.