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Recording Studio and Band Rehearsal Room

 To book the recording studio you must have completed an audio engineering course.

To find out more about the next class please talk to the Socsbox 

Rules and Terms of Use 

To use these spaces you are agreeing to the rules of the room and will be held accountable for damage and missing equipment. If there are issues or broken equipment please report it ASAP to the Societies Office. Document any messes, broken equipment, and problems via photograph to show to the Societies Office before you begin using the equipment.


You will be held responsible for all broken or damaged equipment financially or otherwise

Abuse the privileges of these rooms and you will lose access to it

Recording Studio:


NO food or drink on the desk




Respect other people’s projects - do not delete/change other’s projects


Return all equipment to where it belongs


Save everything to the hard drive 

Band Rehearsal Room


Treat all equipment with utmost care and respect


Do not leave food or drink near the equipment


Remember to unscrew mic stands before forcing them to move to the position you want them in


Tidy cupboards and leave everything back where it belongs. Use photographs for reference


Carefully coil cables after use - remember the over-under technique (google it if you don’t!)


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