University of Galway Student Life
students.universityofgalway.ie: The home of The University of Galway themed weeks, student events and all the latest on extra curricular activities.
Gig Soc
Breakfast Morning for Aids West
Áras na Mac Léinn, 9am
Support of AIDS West and get in
a good breakfast too! Get your
day off to an early start.
Sober Soc
Monday Massage
The Wellness Centre
Reduced cost massage
by appointment.
Contact 0868378589.
Lotus Soc
Mindful Yoga
The Space, 1.00-2.30pm
A relaxing yoga session with a mindful focus to give you a
boost of energy at lunch.
Psych Soc
Staff vs. Students Soccer Match
Kingfisher, 1pm -3pm
Following the lecturers loss during our tournament last semester, they are coming back with a vengeance to give one last shot at winning the title!
Film Soc - Screening
Film "The Perks of Being a Wallflower"
Darcy Thompson, 7pm
Coming of age story that explores themes including
mental health, adolescence loneliness and introversion.
Psych Soc
Psychological Impact of
Domestic Violence and Trauma
AMB-G067, 12.00pm-1.30pm
Again at 2.30pm-4.00pm
Workshop on the psychology of domestic violence and the trauma that victims experience.
Mindfulness workshop
The View, 1-2pm
This workshop with Martina Coyne will introduce the basic principles of mindfulness and how you might bring it into your everyday life. With sitting guided meditation.
Psych Soc
Gender based violence discussion
O'Eocha Theatre, 7pm
Guests speakers from different areas of expertise in gedner basd violdnece will speak on a panel followed by a Q&A and refreshements.
Psych Soc
Psychological Mental Health Info Fair Launch and Bake Sale
Smokeys's, 11am-2pm
Opening launch of our Mental Health Info Fair with a deliciously stoked bake sale. Grab some goodies and tasty treats.
Student Counselling
Coping with Stress
The Space, 1-2pm
Workshop with Aisling Battersby
Positive Mental Health Foundation & ALIVE
Screening of movie ‘Role Models’
The Hub, 6pm
Share a giggle over some volunteer experiences with the Big Brother volunteer programme starring Paul Rudd.
Mentors and Mentees
Coffee morning
The Hub, 10am-12pm
All mentors and first year mentees welcome!
Psych Soc
Mental Health Info Fair
Bailey Allen Foyer, 12-3pm
A mental health focused info fair to raise awareness of the services/charities that are available for students within Galway.
Psych Soc
Mental Health Info Fair
Bailey Allen Foyer, 12-3pm
A mental health focused info fair to raise awareness of the services/charities that are available for students within Galway.
Seas Suas
Promoting health and wellbeing
Bailey Allen Hall, 3-6pm
Information session with Ben Hughes.
Music Soc
Ambient Music Session
Small Acoustic Room, 5pm
Chillout relax and join Musicsoc for an ambient music session.
Play some instruments and listen to some acoustic music and let any and all stress wash away.
Psych Soc
Psychology Career Talk
AM O'Eocha Theatre, 7pm
There will be speakers from: health, clinical, cognitive, developmental, P.H.D. Research and more
Gig Soc
Film screening - "A Single Man"
IT202, 7-9pm
Story of a man who struggles to cope with life after his partner of 16 years passes away. Staring Colin Firth. Followed by open discussion and some craic.
Gig Soc
Film screening - "A Single Man"
IT202, 7-9pm
Story of a man who struggles to cope with life after his partner of 16 years passes away. Staring Colin Firth. Followed by open discussion and some craic.
Seas Suas
Health and Wellbeing Stand
Smokey’s, 11am-2pm
#LittleThings is a
campaign promoting positive mental health.
Seas Suas
Health and Wellbeing Stand
Smokey’s, 11am-2pm
#LittleThings is a
campaign promoting positive mental health.
Psych Soc
ASIAM - Autistic Spectral Disorders Workshop
O’Eocha Theatre- 5.30pm
With Adam Harris. Creating an inclusive environment that accommodates and supports all our members.
Psych Soc
Towards a Mentally Healthy campus
O’Eocha Theatre- 7.00pm
A panel discussion with Please Talk on opening the convention around mental health and wellbeing on campus.
Psych Soc
Tea and Chats
Psychology Ext. Foyer, 12pm
To close off our week we will be holding a tea and chats to incorporate #Littlethings idea of #addfriendstoyourtea to bring everyone together.
Psych Soc
Tea and Chats
Psychology Ext. Foyer, 12pm
To close off our week we will be holding a tea and chats to incorporate #Littlethings idea of #addfriendstoyourtea to bring everyone together.
Talk on Positive Mental Health
College Chapel, 1pm & 9pm
With Ciaran Lynch, HSE.